Monday, January 8, 2007

The War In Iraq

I was watching, Scarborough Country, earlier tonight, and they did a poll for America:

Do you think the Democrats have a clear plan for the war in Iraq?

8% said yes

92% said no

Okay, does anyone have a clear plan for the war in Iraq? That's what I want to know. I mean, the Democrats don't, the Republicans don't, even the Iraquiese don't know what the hell they are doing out their. The war started because George Bush said that Iraq started 9/11. No, the war started because the Republican White House wanted more oil, so they risked their own country's peoples' lives for their own needs, and their own money, and their own oil. The war has been going on for about four or five years now. And for what? Protection for our country? Pointless, it's completely and utterly pointless. This whole thing. I cannot wait until 2008, when either a Democrat or better Republican president wins the election. Although, I have a feeling that Bush will find some sort of way to stay in office. Thank goodness golly gosh, that Democrats won house. That's all for now. If you have any comments on today's discussion, you know where to go, or you can email me for some of your longer messages.

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